Meet More Makers

Bay Area upcoming; Hannover and Maker Extravaganza in Wooster, Ohio

I was under the weather late last week and was unable topublish the newsletter until now. So, you’ll get two issues this week, this one and one later in the week from David on boards.

Table of Contents

Makers for Maker Faire Bay Area

We are in the middle of planning for Maker Faire Bay Area on October 18-20 at Mare Island in Vallejo. We’ll have a thousand makers and over 300 exhibits this year, plus performances and presentations. We have added a new building (called 101) that will provide an expanded Dark Room experience. More highlights to come.

We have attendees coming from 30 states and 13 countries. Please join us and bring friends and family. You can buy tickets here.

Maker Faire Hannover

Maker Faire Hannover celebrated the 10th year of the event on August 17-18th in Germany.

Maker Faire Hannover took place August 17-18

Here’s a video of the sights and sounds (and projects) at Maker Faire Hannover.

Maker Extravaganza in Ohio

This year, the organizers of Maker Faire Wayne County combined forces with A.C Gilbert Heritage Society to put on a Maker Extravaganza on July 27th in Wooster, Ohio.

You may not recognize the name, A.C Gilbert, but he was the inventor of the Erector Set in 1913. His biography by Bruce Watson is titled “The Man Who Changed How Boys and Toys Were Made.” There’s a quote in the book that said Gilbert turned “boys who were a problem into problem solvers.” He was an inventor, magician, physician, Olympic athlete (he invented the pole vault box), and entrepreneur.

Barry Romich of the Romich Foundation Makerspace in Crestron, Ohio made the initial connections with A.C. Gilbert Hertiage Society, which held an annual convention, and the University of Akron’s Wayne College, which hosted the Maker Faire. They agreed to share the fairgrounds on the same day and the event turned out well. Photos below were kindly provided by the organizers.

Maker Extravaganza in Wooster, Ohio

Oroville Library

Glass blowing demonstrations

Notch Bound lasercut crafts

Erector Set creations

Schantz Makerspace

Congrats to Tom Hammond and Barry Romich for making Maker Extravaganza happen.

V90 Launch Party Video

If you missed last week’s launch part for Volume 90, our animatronics issue, check out the video below and meet some of our authors from that issue, along with editors David Groom and Keith Hammond.

  • Jesse Velez on creating a haunted animatronic deer head

  • Evan McMahon on singing animatronic ghosts

  • Katherine Connell on realistic breathing of animatronic figures

  • Darcy Neal on detecting EMF radiation

  • Luke Iseman on DIY Geoengineering

Happy Labor Day to all of you in the US, or where ever you may labor.